Monat: November 2017



Fotografie Forum Frankfurt, Frankfurt, April 2017 A towel is just about the most massively useful thing any interstellar Hitchhiker can carry. Douglas Adams

glittering trees

glittering trees

Altkönig, Hochtaunus, November 2017 Spätherbst im Hochtaunus, was soll ich schreiben 🙂 ? Ein  tratschnasser Wald, der erste Schnee, goldenes Licht, glitzernde Bäume… so magisch schön kann November sein!   I feel a hot wind on my shoulder, and the touch of a world that…

Wild Wood

Vereda das Funduras, Madeira, Juli 2017 ( … ) Day by day your world fades away Waiting to feel, all the dreams that say Golden rain will bring you riches All the good things, you deserve now And I say, „Climbing forever trying“ You’re gonna…